Yokohama TWS Czech Republic a.s.

🇨🇿Česká republika
Hlavní město Praha
Švehlova 1900/3, 10600 Praha
CIN: 00012190
Výroba a prodej pneumatik pro zemědělské a stavební stroje, vysokozdvižné vozíky a sportovní motocykly.

Business registerBusiness register

2100101/0100from 03/31/2013
CZ8427000000000802887168from 11/12/2018
1419372/0800from 06/14/2019
1387870178/2700from 02/19/2021

Partners and their capital contributionsPartners and their capital contributions

Partners and deposits

Company evolutionCompany evolution

Activities and trade licenseActivities and trade license

Trade licences overview