Creative Copywriter

Základní informace

Název pozice
Creative Copywriter
Krátký popis
Velcová Markéta, e-mail:
" At least 2 years of professional creative copywriting experience in advertising and marketing is mandatory.
" You're experienced in developing copy-based concepts with clever taglines and other creative copy.
" You combine creative writing with critical thinking; your analytical approach enables you to ask the right questions and waterproof ideas from a conceptual perspective.
" A portfolio showcasing your work across multiple formats (digital, video, social, etc.) is required.
" Experience crafting brand voice, tone, and style guides ensuring consistent language across multiple touchpoints.
" Ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a team environment.
" Ability to work under pressure tight deadlines and changing priorities.
" Can jump on board very soon
" British English on advanced level.
" Based in Prague.

Od 40 000 KČ
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